I recently became friends with Tonya B. Ashley because of a writing project. She is sharing her storytelling talents with three other authors (including me!) in a historical novella to be published by Scrivenings Press in September 2023. Tonya has been a joy to collaborate with and I wanted to share her talents with all of my writing and reading friends.
Tonya grew up in a magical area in central Arkansas.
“I live in Arkansas with my husband and two boys on the same land that brought my imagination to life when I was a young girl,” Tonya said. “Sometimes I commandeered the stories of George Lucas and Steven Spielburg, playing out scenes from Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Goonies. More often I was inspired by the dragon’s head in the forest (a tree trunk bent and gnarled by a lightning strike, rising out of an abandoned railroad bed) near our home. I am a story teller and Jill-of-all-trades. My writing spills out in the form of fiction and a variety of non-fiction. My characters are as wounded as I have been, but together we’re learning to turn our scars into a Lug Soul, like the lug sole on a hiking boot, that provides the balance and grip we need to deal with life’s challenges.”
What is your superpower?
I’m beginning to think my superpower is the ability to be relatable. I never thought of that as a superpower until recently. I thought most people were easy to connect with, and unrelatable people are rare. However, I’ve noticed people often compliment me on it. They say things like, “I noticed you with so-and-so, and you were so good with him/her. I have difficulty connecting to that person,” or “I immediately felt at ease and comfortable with you.” I’m curious about people and like to make room for them. It can be awkward, though, because putting people immediately at ease means they will occasionally share their deepest hurts right upfront. It catches me off-guard sometimes, but I remind myself that they are usually searching for someone willing to listen. People need to feel heard.
So, my superpower is either relatability or the ability to find a coffee shop without using any search tools. I’ve got great coffee instincts.
If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would you like?
Coffee. Without it, I might lose my superpower. My family will tell you that I’m not so relatable before coffee. Before coffee, hush. After coffee, let’s talk and explore.
What are you working on right now?
Currently, I’m working on a historical novella set in Van Buren, Arkansas. It features blacksmith Levi Snow who wants to keep his distance from people and Christmas. However, his ability to maintain that distance is challenged one fateful December day when severe weather blows an abandoned nativity and the ever-curious Allie McLaughlin into town.
What is your next writing project?
I hope to write several stories set in Van Buren during the mid-to-late-1800s. It was such a hub for people traveling West. Such diverse people groups passed through there – prospectors headed to the California Gold Rush, Indian agents, military, freedmen and enslaved people, emigrants, outlaws, and more. I find myself daydreaming every time I visit.
What genre would you like to consider in the future that is different from what you do now?
I could see myself doing something speculative – perhaps fantasy. I’ve been fascinated with the friendship of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien for a long time. Fantastic fiction grew out of their life experiences and companionship.
I also love a good treasure hunting story. Those are my favorite kind of movies. Every time one is released, I’m giddy with excitement. I would love to write a treasure hunting novel.
How do you relax and recharge when you step away from writing?
Hiking is my number one way to recharge. My boys say that I take too many pictures when I hike. Yet if I walked the same trail a thousand times, it would be different every time. They say, “Mom, you’re taking pictures of moss. I mean, it’s just moss.” Moss is high on my list of favorites. Don’t you think it’s incredible? Moss thrives on rocks. It reminds me that we can still grow and thrive in hard places.
I’ve also recently discovered mixed media art. It’s not very often that I have difficulty expressing myself in words, but I often turn to mixed media art when I do.
What book or book series have you recently enjoyed reading?
I love to mix things up when reading, so I will often read something by a contemporary author and then something older or follow fiction with an autobiography.
I recently finished Jenny Carlisle’s just-released Hope Takes the Reins, published by Scrivenings Press. When I was growing up, several girls in school were involved in barrel racing and calf roping. This book reminded me of some of those families’ challenges and celebrations. She did a fabulous job of capturing that sense of community.
I’m also revisiting the Anne of Green Gables series through audiobook. These stories stand the test of time. They always make me smile.
Thanks so much for having me as your guest today!
I am so excited to see Tonya’s work shared with the world! I agree with the superpower. Everyone feels so comfortable around her. So glad you loved Hope Takes the Reins my friend!
Thank you for visiting and leaving a lovely message. I loved Hope Takes the Reins and I look forward to book two in your series!